About Me

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Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
I am Ollie Elliott. I studied BA Computer Games Design and got a 2.1 with honours at Newport University. I'm from sunny Somerset. This is my blog. It's about different things. Go away.

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

CDD Logo

Had another idea for the logo that Craig prefers.
Here's a mock-up with a few variations for the web address:


Monday, 28 June 2010

Low Go

Master filmographer and speccy twat Craig Devine asked me to design a logo for his credit in a film he's working on and to promote his website http://craigdeandevine.co.uk/.

Here's the progression of ideas so far:

Wednesday, 9 June 2010


Every time, for the last two years, that I have booted up my lappy I have been greeted by this lovely message.
I was recently thinking about making the recovery disc but I don't think I have the heart to say goodbye.

Monday, 7 June 2010


Orthographic drawing of Dale. I think I've sorted the arms out now. I changed the colour of the pattern on his jumper from black so that it was more gaudy and that features, such as the arms, could actually be seen. It looks better but the jumper is a bit christmassy which I was trying to avoid.

I'm looking forward to modelling him, still not really sure how his eyes are going to work from the side and the nose is going to need to be worked out during modelling. BYE.


Rough side view. Tried drawing the eyes on but it didn't look right. Still not sure about the arms...

BAck Again

Quick initial character design for Dale. Not sure about the arms at all. Had trouble deciding how they should be :/