About Me

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Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
I am Ollie Elliott. I studied BA Computer Games Design and got a 2.1 with honours at Newport University. I'm from sunny Somerset. This is my blog. It's about different things. Go away.

Thursday 15 September 2011

WRC Competition

 I entered this competition. Not expecting anything to come of it really. If I win the prize won't mean much to me either as I'll be living in Cardiff anyway but yeah the other parts are cool and the runners up win power tools which my Dad will love!
 I submitted it last night before getting any feedback from people but had some good pointers afterwards. It's practise with Photoshop anyway and forced me to learn how to do clean cut edges and vector stuff properly so here's my entry:

 Hopefully you can see the Welsh flag theme... or not. I'll do an update if I hear anything back about this. I doubt it'll be for a while anyway.

 When I go to bed I keep telling myself that when I wake up I will spend the next day continuing my Mortal Kombat picture but I just end up playing games. I'm determined to finish it though so more soon...

 I completed Deus Ex 3 on hard on my first playthrough (although I only beat one boss because she glitched). It's a really great game and definitely worth playing, although I doubt I will go through it again, at least for a very long time. One thing I noticed was how conservative the poly count on anything aside from the main characters was. It's still a good looking game though.

 I'm beginning to learn the German national anthem from watching the Formula 1.

 Anyway bye.

P.S. I finally discovered this song and it's too catchy:



  1. really nice work on the entry. didnt know u was so keen on the welsh flag though like

  2. haha I'm not that keen on it, I think any national flag that a four year old can't draw is overcomplicated and stupid :D I tried to make it so you don't have to see the dragon in it like you could just take it as random shapes, which would work better outside the Welsh rally
