Amazingly it's been five days since the last update. I don't know if I have that much to show for it but pfffff. I managed to get hold of the Pro version of Game Maker via the unofficial route.
I have finished both floors now (minus furnishings). I tried some shading to make the lighting more realistic but it looked dire so I scrapped that. Both floors also have the covers for all the rooms but I still haven't worked out how to make them come back when the fox isn't around.
Here's some screens of the uncovered floors, you can probably see I've started working on the furnishings with the toilets and baths:

Rex the stand-in sprite has now been replaced by the actual Attack Fox sprite and most of my time since last week has been spent trying to sort out all the problems I was having with making him move properly.
After many different control methods of varying success I finally cracked it earlier today and now Attack Fox has full 360 degree rotation and he follows the mouse cursor's position with a walking animation when he moves and and standing pose when he stops (at the cursor or at a wall). I'm incredibly proud of this as it took soooooo fucking long. Thanks is due to all the youtube tutorials and coding.
Here are the two sprites:

I also started a simple Harry Potter shooting game in Game Maker. This was firstly to test the 360 rotation code and aiming cursor and secondly as a response to the phenomenally retardedly spasticated gameplay of the official Deathly Hallows game where Harry has a machine gun laser wand... I call it: Harry Potter and the Orders of Marcus Fenix.
I gave my Harry 2 spells, that could be selected with the 1 and 2 keys, to start with. One is his Stupefy rifle with unlimited ammo and the other is his more powerful area affect attack, which I guess could be a Patronus grenade launcher.
I was pleased that I managed to get an area affect attack to work, although I think I did take the kind of cheaty way round, however I wanted it to have a recharge time to balance it as it was more powerful.
Anyway a lot of fucking around with live systems etc later I decided it was too hard and went for the next best thing... a reload button assigned to the most awkward key possible. P.
Harry's direction is controlled by WASD and his aiming and shooting by the mouse so unless you have a dinnerplate handspan you have to let go of one of these to reload. With swarming enemies, represented at the moment by monstrously terrifying 'static orange boxes', this will make using the Patronus a lot more risky. Anyway that's enough waffle here's some pictures for sticking with me:
(It's hard print screening and shooting at the same time)
Anyway BYE